
Fall Into The Season Giveaway! 🍁

Hello, Romance Ninjas! 

Ah, the nip in the air, the scent of pumpkin spice everywhere, and the dazzling display of leaves turning from green to brilliant shades of gold, amber, and crimson. Yes, while it was 95 degrees last week in the Eastern part of the United States, I think that fall is finally here, and with it comes the excitement of wrapping ourselves in cozy sweaters and diving into a new adventure, whether it’s a book, a new hobby, or simply daydreaming by the fireside. But here’s the thing: while I am total love with fall, I understand that every season has its charm. Each one holds a special place in our hearts for different reasons. Maybe you’re a summer sun-worshipper, a spring flower-child, or perhaps winter’s serene snowy landscapes are more your style. And so, in the spirit of celebrating all things seasonal, I’m thrilled to announce my 2023 Fall Giveaway! 

🎉 Here’s How to Enter: 🎉 
Simply drop a comment below sharing your favorite season and a cherished memory or reason associated with it. Whether it’s the joy of building a winter snowman, the thrill of a summer beach day, the rejuvenating scent of spring flowers, or that perfect fall hike amidst the changing leaves – I want to hear about it! 

Why Enter? 
Besides sharing a slice of your life and reading about others’ beloved moments, you stand a chance to win a surprise book package packed lovingly from me!

A Few Guidelines: 
1. Keep your comments heartwarming and positive. 
2. Feel free to reply to others’ comments – who knows, you might bond over shared experiences! 
3. Ensure your comment is entered by midnight EST, September 21, 2023, to be eligible for the giveaway. 

By sharing, not only do you get to reflect on the beauty of each passing season, but you also become a part of a community that values memories, stories, and the simple joys of life. So, whether you’re reading this while sipping on a summer lemonade or wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of cocoa, jump into the comments and let us all know: What’s your favorite season and why?

I can’t wait to read your stories and memories. Let’s celebrate the beauty of change, the magic of each season, and the stories that make them unforgettable. Happy commenting and best of luck! 


P.S. The winner will be announced in next week’s VIP newsletter. Make sure you’re subscribed.

126 thoughts on “Fall Into The Season Giveaway! 🍁”

  1. Nadia J Hinojosa

    My favorite season is Fall. I love it because I am not a fan of very hot or cold. This is the perfect weather for reading outside on the front porch with something hot and a blanket when it’s chilly or something cold when it’s warm.

  2. I am from the Caribbean and our season is wet or dry. But I migrated to the US last year and have now fallen in love with Fall. It’s not ‘blisteringly’ hot nor ‘blizzardly’ cold. Bundling up under a fuzzy blanket with a great read and some hot chocolate, is my new favorite thing to do.

  3. Elisabel Diaz-Enriquez

    Fall! I love that it’s crisp in the mornings and evenings, but still warm enough during the day to enjoy being outside!

  4. Fall (Autumn) is one of my favorite times of year.Time for the leaves to change colors. Indian summer turns into cool breezes during the day and snuggling weather at night. Time for bonfires and starry nights.

  5. I love fall. The changing of the leaves, the crisp cool air, and wearing layers. Living in Florida, I don’t get those thing. I’m off to Maine for a week of vacation to get my fill!

  6. I love the fall season best, as the leaves along the river change to bright oranges and reds with the meandering river right down the centre. I also love the crunch of the fall leaves under your feet, no matter where you go. And when I was younger it also meant that Halloween was not far away.

  7. I’m a summer fan but don’t have any special memory of it I just prefer the warm weather. The only thing I love about winter is Christmas and that is because I have so many wonderful memories with my kids. Thank you for this amazing giveaway opportunity!

  8. I love the fall the best. It could down here in Atlanta GA and the leaves turn such beautiful colors. My late cousin and I used to take drives all around just to look at all the beautiful fall colors. I miss those days with him. I think of him when I sit in my backyard watching the leaves changing every day when it’s fall.

  9. Summer has my heart. I love the hot weather and watching our garden bloom which brings the bees. Long days with abundant sunshine where I can sit in the backyard with a book and soak up the sun.

  10. My favourite season is autumn. I love the colours of the leaves and flowers, and the smell of apples.
    It’s a slowing down, after a busy summer, and I love to read or write poetry during the dark, cozy evenings.

  11. My favorite season is summer. Favorite memory is my Mom taking us to the beach as kids. We lived 10 minutes from the ocean and she would let us swim til we were exhausted. We would fall asleep as soon as we got home and she had her evenings to read.

  12. My favorite season is summer. I used to spend it at my grandparents’ countryside with fresh air, so much green, mountains, river exploration, court for basketball and volleyball. Those days were my favorite because I could read while spending time in fresh air / listening to music.

  13. My favorite season is Winter. I love the snow, ice and slower pace of life. I was born in the Winter so I guess it’s in my DNA.

  14. My fave season is fall. I love that it still warms up during the day but the mornings and evenings are cool and crisp, making it soooo comfortable to snooze. The beautiful changing colours of the leaves is also spectacular (if you don’t have to rake leaves LOL!)

  15. I am gardener and love to plant – Summer & Winter are my favorites. Living in AZ planting can be done during winter. Love it!

  16. Damianne Daugherty

    My favorite season would have to be fall. The colors changing, the weather getting cooler, pumpkin anything and Thanksgiving. I love spending the holiday week with our kids and grandkids where we are all under the same roof. Nothing is better than that

  17. my favorite memories are decorating the christmas tree together as a family, all the generations together, laughing!

  18. My favorite season is fall. My favorite memory is being at my Grandma’s and raking the leaves into piles and jumping in. Doing that again and again. Finishing up with hot cocoa. Wonderful memories with my cousins Aunts and Grandma.

  19. My favorite season is winter. Watching my child experience his first snow fall. Watching each of our shelter dog’s running thru their first snow falls. I just love watching the snow falling, then making snow cream with the results. There is just something so peaceful about each new snowfall.

  20. I absolutely love fall!! The crisp air,the colors, I love hoodies and bonfires, the apple orchard, the pumpkin patch. And I also got married in the fall. I loved absolutely everything about it. Fall is the absolutely best!!

  21. Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors and pumpkin spice ❤️ but I especially love football. It is a sport my dad and I shared together and we loved it. I lost him this year so this season is bittersweet 🥰🥰

  22. Being an Aussie, I LOVE Summer. I know it’s a no no now, but as a teenager and young adult my favourite time was sitting on a towel at the beach, soaking up the sun and swimming in the coolish water. Even after the heat of the day there was nothing like eating fish and chips on the beach as the evening cooled to make sleeping easier.

  23. Mine is fall because is has the perfect weather and I can wear hoodies. I also love going to pick pumpkins and going to haunted houses with my kids and husband it’s always a great time.

    1. While each season has its own pros and con
      Spring – rebirth, Easter
      Summer – ahh summer
      Winter – Hot chocolate, snuggling by the fire, Christmas

      But Fall – means no pesky bugs, sleeping with the windows open so the cool breeze blows making snuggling under a soft warm quilt a necessity.
      – Natures art Gallery has the best showing ever: All the beautiful leaves turning to spectacular reds, yellows, oranges
      – celebrating back to school, Thanksgiving, Halloween
      -enjoying massive sales as we get closer to Christmas- lots of shopping
      -so much more but one of my favourites – sitting on the porch with a hot cup of tea, warm shawl and a good book! Heaven.

  24. I love fall, for the colors (we lived in New Hampshire and WI) the leaves (my best memories are playing in the big piles with the kids), the cool days perfect for walks, reading on the couch and warm drinks (yes, pumpkin anything)

  25. This is probably a terrible reason for loving summer but,I live in Naples FL. It’s nuts in tourist season. We have a lot less tourists in summer. We can get into our favorite restaurants and the roads aren’t crowded at all. I love summer here. Yes, it’s hot but it’s so nice to that they’re gone. By the way,I’ve been in Naples over 35 years. It’s getting busier each year.

  26. Do I really have to choose? I love each of the seasons for different reasons – Spring for me is a time of renewal and the start of getting back out into the gardens and fields seeing new growth and life starting up again. Summer brings the warmth that nourishes all the crops and brings friends and family to visit. Fall is a busy season – bringing and putting up the harvests spending time with family and friends over good food and wine. Winter is a time of rest and relaxation, planning and purchasing, and the chance to get caught up on my reading!

  27. My favorite season is Summer. I love being outside, especially in the warm sun. My husband and I enjoy hiking, bicycling, and fishing on the local lakes.

  28. Fall is my favorite because you still have a touch of warm weather from summer but cool enough to enjoy it. You also have beautiful fall color’s with the changing leaves and beautiful flower’s . It also brings my favorite holiday. HALLOWEEN

  29. I love Autumn! I love the colors of Autumn! Although I am a proud Texas girl, born & raised, we don’t really have a Fall season. If we’re lucky, it will be cool-ish on Halloween. But for me, it doesn’t matter! Even as a kid I loved Autumn over the rest of the seasons. I think it might be that Halloween is my favorite holiday. Or maybe it’s because I can’t wait for that first cool front to come in after a crazy hot summer, like the one we’re having this year with nothing but 100 degree + weather! I don’t know… Either way, Autumn always has been, always will be, my favorite season.

  30. Fall because of Halloween ! My mom and I have Halloween hats and we pass out candy to all the kids that come to the door . They are so cute dressed up.

  31. I like fall with warm days & cooler notes. My middle daughter was born in late Nov. but Spring is special since 3 of my kiddos came then. (All in April though a yr ea apart) 😉

  32. I love Fall it was the season I was born into watching the leaves change color and feeling the weather get cooler just makes me so happy.

  33. I LOVE Fall 🍁🍂 Bonfires, cute and cuddle sweaters, warm fuzzy blankets and socks cute fall boots, the colors changing on the trees, pumpkins patches, carmel apples, kettle corn… I mean what’s NOT to love!?

  34. I love spring when new flowers are blooming and we can look forward to summer coming. Also my first grandchild was born in the spring 18 years ago so it holds special memories ❤

  35. My favourite season is fall. I love watching the leaves change colour and I love everything pumpkin. I love the crisp nights and warm days.


    My favourite season is the Summer as I have so many happy memories of family holidays in the sunshine

  37. My favorite season is the fall! I love the changing of colors, the cool crisp days and going to apple orchards. So many fun things to do in the fall with visits to the pumpkin patch and hayrides. We also do a lot of canning from our garden veggies so we are kept very busy with this.

  38. I love Fall, love the beautiful colors. My first grandchild, a boy was born in September, I was so lucky to have him and took care of him for many years. I will have some very special memories of all the things him and I did during the fall, pumpkin pickings and apples, fairs. Great times those fall months.

  39. When I was younger – I loved spring best as in the midwest it was watching everything come to life again after winter. As I got older I realized that it was also rainy/stinky earthworm season and smells like worms more than anything else so I came to like fall best for the temperatures and the great scents of the fall leaves, etc.

  40. I love autumn! I always looked forward with great eagerness to the start of the new school year, new classes, old and new friends. And I am always amazed at the fall colors, how quickly they can change. There’s a huge tree not far from my house that is green, green, green…and then it seems that overnight it changes to a breathtaking gold. I also love to wade through piles of leaves lol.

  41. I absolutely love the Fall weather, sweaters and light jackets are great to wear. The colors of the leaves changing has always been my favorite.

  42. I love winter the most but fall is also enjoyable. I love the silence after a snow and feeling cozy with candles and a book and a bit of cocoa or warm beverage.

  43. My favorite season is the end of summer. I have such wonderful memories of family camping trips. With a family of 9 there was always something to do and someone to do it with.

  44. Love love love Fall! Such great memories throughout the years… as a kid I loved going apple picking… enjoying apple cider and apple donuts, yummy!

  45. I love spring and fall. Two seasons! Spring is when everything comes back to life from the 6 months of grey winter.. and Fall, all the leaves are changing and so many bright colors. And also the ability to open the windows because it’s not so hot out and get the fresh air coming in.

  46. I’m a summer girl for sure. So many memories of family trips in the car when I was a kid, plus, it’s flip-flop weather!

  47. I’m a summer lover. Besides the warm temperatures. The sun makes me very happy. I live in Michigan, where we don’t know winter is truly over until June. Having the long days is my favorite thing. We spend summer on the shores of Lake Michigan and the way the sun makes the lake so many beautiful colors of blue brings me joy. Spending my days on the beach is just so wonderful . In addition, my daughter is a June baby and was born on my moms birthday. Summer is my favorite season for many reasons. I understand why people say fall it is beautiful too. In fact today is my birthday and I was married in October so I’m a fall fan as well. Summer still is my favorite. If you blink in Michigan summer is half over and you’re looking at shorter days all of a sudden and snow comes so quickly and winter seems to go on forever. There’s something special about every season.but the long days of summer snd the warm temperatures are what I love most.

  48. I love winter the most because I love decorating & seeing family during the holidays. Fall is my second favorite because of the beautiful foliage & wonderful bounty at the local farms.

  49. We get Hot here so Fall is a nice break. I love to cuddle with my dog,a blanket ,a cup of tea and a good book. I have to admit Spring is my favorite season because it brings new life and I can walk the dogs more than in the summer.

  50. I like autumn because the 90 degrees and humidity is gone. Perfect weather for a widow to sit in back yard and sit and swing.

  51. I love the Fall Season foremost, then Winter. Even though Fall seems like it’s the ending of something (falling leaves and such), to me it’s the beginning. I love the cooler weather, the Fall colors, hot mocha, pumpkin bread, sitting on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and a good book. When the weather starts to cool down, I get into a holiday mood and want to shop, shop, shop. Even without the money 😂, it gets me into the giving mood and doing more to help people out. I know, that should be throughout the year, but Fall just gets me in a good and healthy mentality. To me things are fresh and the start of something good. I feel romance. I feel happy. I feel refreshed.

  52. Love the FALL season!! I got married in October under a big oak tree because I love the colors of the leaves when they are changing. When we go on a anniversary trip it is always to the mountains where we live just to enjoy the wonderful weather and colors. I also named my daughter Autumn :)!

  53. I love summer! I grew up on the beaches of South Carolina coast. I get excited when Spring starts because I know summer is right behind it. I feed animals in the morning, and I hate to roust them from the warmth of their beds in the winter. In the summer it doesn’t get dark until later…not 5:30pm.
    I should’ve been a bear because I feel like hibernating.

  54. Kimberly Flickinger

    I love fall everything about it , the changing colors of the leaves, cooler weather , and apple picking.

  55. My favorite season will always be Winter! I just love the cold and the snow. I even enjoy shoveling snow, especially at night. It’s always so quiet and peaceful. You can almost hear the snow as it hits the ground. And when there’s a full moon after a fresh snowfall, it’s almost magical.

  56. I love this time of year because most of my friends and my Mom were born in the fall so it is a time of celebration. Also I love Thanksgiving because it lets me celebrate all my blessings. While I try to be thankful all year long, Thanksgiving puts it forward in my mind!

    Thank you for your wonderful books. They bring me and I am sure, so many others hours of enjoyment!

    Happy Holidays!
    Ethel Waters

  57. I love the beauty of Fall with the colors and cooler nights but to be honest,Summer is still my favorite season because there are so many things to do without the threat of bad weather like camping,biking,and hiking,etc and it so bright and sunny it lifts my spirits.

  58. I love spring! I can remember one year, I asked my Sunday school class (which my son was a student of) to bring something to class representing the start of Spring. Well, my son was wearing a suit that day and he puts his hand into his pants pocket and brings out a handful of dirty with a worm in it and says to me “Mom, finding worms to go fishing is the start of Spring to me”! Gotta love your child no matter what.

  59. I Love Spring with all of the new growth and the bursts of color. My grandfather, who was the center of my world, had a multi stem lavender Crepe Myrtle. I would climb it or sit under it in the peace of Mother Nature. Papaw would sit with me sometimes and I have 3 identical trees in my yard. I think of him and his ❤️ every time I see those lavender flowers.

  60. Winter. I love the cold air, cozying up by a fire, ice skating on the lake behind our house when we were growing up. I live in Florida now so unfortunately we get maybe one cool day in January where I can wear a sweater.😂

  61. Fall all the way 🧡🍂🍁. I love the cooler weather, it has my favorite holiday(Halloween), and it just makes my heart feel lighter.

  62. Living in Texas fall is the breath of fresh air after an excruciating hot summer. It’s also the beginning of festivals, fairs and football season!

  63. I love the summer. My husband is a teacher, so he is off all summer and we depend slit time at our trailer on a lake, fishing, relaxing and campfires.

  64. I love Fall, cooler weather, leaves changing colors and falling. Jumping into piles of leaves. Wearing cute sweaters and dressing up for Halloween.

  65. I love spring. Warmer temperatures and color. After the dreariness of winter I need all the colors. Seeing new births gives me joy.

  66. Christmas Season. If that can be considered a season. I love all the holiday cheer, the idea of goodwill to others, and getting to see family.

  67. I love fall too! It’s the cool, warm and everything in between season. I love the the crispness of the air, the greens and browns and the cuddle upness of the season. I remember running from and chasing tumbleweeds this time of year, sitting by a warm woodburning stove in the evenings and making a big pot of chicken and dumplings to enjoy on a cool evening.

  68. kelsey brooke vinson

    Fall is my favorite time of year. The weather is amazing, we love just hanging out on the front porch watching the kids play.

  69. My favorite season is fall. I love when the leaves change color. I love going to the cider mill for fresh donuts and cider.

  70. My favorite season if fall. In northern MN our trees can have some amazing colors. Driving with our car club for our annual fall run is a highlight of the year. And no mosquitoes.

  71. My favorite season is fall. I love the cooler weather, the warm drinks, the sound of the leaves crunching as you walk on them, and so much more 🍁🍂

  72. My favorite season is fall. I love the color changes of the leaves. I love the change of weather where you get to wear cozy sweaters, scarves and legging. I’m a big fan of pumpkin so bring on the pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin spice lattes etc 🙂

  73. I love Fall because of the cooling weather and because my birthday is in fall. I always get excited about gathering around the bonfires and not having to worry about bugs. My birthday falls at the end of September and it can either be hot or cool but I have celebrated many times with a bonfire and smores. 😀

  74. Fall is my favorite!! I love reading in the cozy weather and have a cozy blanket on!!
    The leaves turn to pretty colors!

  75. Winter. Hands down favorite season. I LOVE the COLD weather. I could live without the snow, but the frigid temps are my favorite things.

  76. Fall is my absolute favorite season 🍁 the leaves are beautiful and the temperatures are absolutely perfect. Plus, all the bugs goes back into hibernating! What more could you want?!

  77. My favorite season is fall but there are multiple reasons – the start of the holiday season for me (Halloween) where we always go camping and do trick or treating in the campgrounds. Its sweater/jean weather, the leaves changing and all my immediate family birthdays are Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec so we have lots of family time.

  78. My favourite season is autumn because I love the changes in nature and the smells and colours. Thanks so much

  79. My favourite season will always be fall ! I love the crisp air pretty leaves and of course pumpkin everything. Cozy up and watch scary movies with a new blanket, but mainly it was both of my grandmother’s favourite seasons I have cherished memories of both when my Grammy s passed she was there a maple leaf smacked me right in the face it wasn’t windy or anything. I took a pic to look at it when I get sad. My Grammy b has past recently the past few years we’d always sit outside with Tim Hortons coffee and a muffin or a cookie and sit and talk for hours, I’ll hold those memories close to me, I hope to do something like this with my boyfriend soon when the weather is more crisp out 🙂

    1. I noticed I didn’t finish the first part sorry I got all nostalgic , when I get sad I’ll look at the photo and it will bring me back to that moment, it gives me a good laugh when times are tough

  80. I love Spring!! The weather starts turning warmer and everything starts blooming and a new beginning starts.

  81. I love fall – the changing leaves, the crisp cool air and fresh-pressed apple cider. But after a frosty PA winter, I look most forward to Spring. The bursting forth of colorful tulips and daffodils to brighten the wintry landscape followed by the arrival of all the oh-so-cute animal babies on the neighboring farms!

  82. Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors on the trees, the cooler days to bundle up & read outside, & Halloween!

  83. Fall of course! The season has always had this way of giving me visions of beautifully colors , crisp air, coming and going to college, warm clothes and hot beverages, laughter. The feeling of youth and adventures to come in life. It revitalizes me. I wish it was all year.

  84. I’m really torn. I love the fall, but spring brings flowers and the end of cold and snow so I think I’m going to vote for spring as my favorite season.

  85. Fall is my favorite season— it seems to be very popular with everyone. I live in the deep south, so fall doesn’t mean changing leaves. But it does mean football and cooler temps. We take our football very seriously around here—it’s a very big deal. So War Eagle!

  86. I absolutely love ur masterson collection I have read it a dozen times and I’m on the second book now I can’t put it down the plot is amazing and I love it please keep up the amazing work thank you

  87. Fall is my favorite season. I live in New England and I love the crisp cool mornings, the change from summer to fall and the beautiful colors of the leaves changing.

    1. Love the fall. I play every year in an Octoberfest golf tournament with dear friends and we have won several times. The fresh air and beautiful fall leaves are the best ❤️

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