Cousins Two Countdown: Day Four


Is that Noah and his Ark floating by my house? Because it is raining cats and dogs here in Philly due to Hurricane Joaquin. Actually we’re faring much better than the shore or some of the other southern states so I shouldn’t really complain. Actually I write a lot better when it’s raining. When it’s sunny, I want to be outside doing something:)

Today I sent off ARCs to giveaway winners, and I’ll be sending some more out tomorrow. I’m always doing an author takeover on Facebook or running a giveaway in my VIP Readers Group, so there will always be chances to win stuff from me. Make sure you sign up if you’re not already on the list.

I’ll probably spend the rest of the night outlining my next book and getting ready for my Cousins Two Release Party. Make sure to stop by and participate in a day of games, giveaways and authors behaving badly!

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